About me..♥

What's her name...
Shannelle Laniyan

Well I am 17. Lol i know this seems a bit boring but i never really know exactly what to say about myself. I love being surrounded by humorous and intelligent people who have future ambitions and have a path set ahead of them. All my life i've loved music and fashion. When i was like 6 i was in every stage production in my primary school. I played the part of nancy in Oliver twist and ever since then life has not been the same. I also one a singing competition in Luton in 2001. I knew then on that i wanted to be famous. The idea of flashing lights, and fast cars and clothes and hair just gets me excited sometimes. You know when you can smell food and you feel like you can almost taste it. Thats exactly how i feel about my future. But hey just like food, preparation is needed and that part is not always necessarily easy.  I know i'm just 17, but i guess i could say i have experienced a lot of things. Some have had good effects others bad, but i guess that's what makes a person at the end of the day. Hmmn....to be honest when it comes to relationships things haven't always been so good for me. You know how its all 'lovey dovey' at first but then it turns into this roller-coaster ride where you start to feel sick and you wanna get off? That's what most of my relationships have been like. I feel that it probably is wise to wait till i am really ready to get serious with someone. I mean we all pounce at the idea of love and having a cute boyfriend that buys you flowers, but that's not all there is to a relationship (well at least for me) At the moment my life is at its turning pint. I feel i am at that stage where you begin to realise that some things are important whilst others are trivial and need to be disregarded. I have to thank the pillars in my life. They've always been there for me for as long as i've known them and i love them for that. Torerra  and Muyiwa you guys are the best friends any girl could ask for. You're there when i'm happy, sad, excited, or whatever mood i seem to be in. I love you two.

Having kind of told you my life story i'm going to go straight into the basic stuff (Y). I like chicken :) lol i'm a big fan of food and i f you must know i eat at Mc donalds no less than once a week. x_x lol its really not my fault. I know i look a bit on the plus side but i'm actually a size 8 :) which i am proud of. I have a lot of favourite colours. To be honest if the colour is bright then its a favourite e.g pink, purple, white etc. I also love the neutrals - cream, coffee, beige. Yeah i do! :)  Music is important to me. I love to sing! in my shower, on the street anywhere that permits me, i'll sing. lol I love rihanna she's very inspirational and Anita baker too. My favourite song at the moment is she aint you by chris brown. That song is a tune! (y)

During my spare time i blog, dance (even though i cant), eat, read, and write. I have so far written two novels and finished them. I must say i am proud of myself for doing so, it proves that social networking isn't all i do. Yes i still use facebook because i sill think its cool. Its not all the time one must follow the crowd. :P well i'm kinda tired of typing now so if you all don't mind i'm gonna stop here. If you have any questions, just inbox me on my facebook page or twitter.

Thank you for reading this dolls


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